Book 51

Each scientist works with certain information and collects it in the course of prof- sional activity. In the same manner, the author collected data for atomic physics and atomic processes. This information was checked in the course of the author’s p- fessional activity and was published in the form of appendices to the corresponding books on atomic and plasma physics. Now it has been decided to publish these data separately. This book contains atomic data and useful information about atomic particles and atomic systems including molecules, nanoclusters, metals and condensed s- tems of elements. It also gives information about atomic processes and transport processes in gases and plasmas. In addition, the book deals with general concepts and simple models for these objects and processes. We give units and conversion factors for them as well as conversion factors for spread formulas of general physics and the physics of atoms, clusters and ionized gases since such formulas are used in professional practice by each scientist of this area.

Book 51

This book presents physical units and widely used physical formulas, which are given together with conversion factors in various units. It includes frequently used atomic spectra and data for atoms, ions and molecules, as well as potential curves for diatomic molecules, and provides numerical parameters for transport phenomena in gases and plasmas. Further, the rate constants of a number of processes in atmospheric ionized air have been added to this second edition of the book. The numerical data has been selected from the information on atoms, atomic systems, atomic processes and models for atomic physics in this area, and the numerical parameters of atoms, ions and atom systems are included in periodical tables of elements.

Book 84

This book presents the theory of gas discharge plasmas in a didactical way. It explains the processes in gas discharge plasmas. A gas discharge plasma is an ionized gas which is supported by an external electric field. Therefore its parameters are determined by processes in it. The properties of a gas discharge plasma depend on its gas component, types of external fields, their geometry and regimes of gas discharge. Fundamentals of a gas discharge plasma include elementary, radiative and transport processes which are included in its kinetics influence. They are represented in this book together with the analysis of simple gas discharges. These general principles are applied to stationary gas discharge plasmas of helium and argon. The analysis of such plasmas under certain conditions is theoretically determined by numerical plasma parameters for given regimes and conditions.

Book 108

This book describes selected problems in contemporary spectroscopy in the context of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It focuses on elementary radiative processes involving atomic particles (atoms, molecules, ions), which include radiative transitions between discrete atomic states, the photoionization of atoms, photorecombination of electrons and ions, bremsstrahlung, photodissociation of molecules, and photoattachment of electrons to atoms. In addition to these processes, the transport of resonant radiation in atomic gases and propagation of infrared radiation in molecular gases are also considered.

The book subsequently addresses applied problems such as optical pumping, cooling of gases via laser resonance radiation, light-induced drift of gas atoms, photoresonant plasma, reflection of radio waves from the ionosphere, and detection of submillimeter radiation using Rydberg atoms. Lastly, topical examples in atmospheric and climate change science are presented, such as lightning channel glowing, emission of the solar photosphere, and the greenhouse phenomenon in the atmospheres of the Earth and Venus.

Along with researchers, both graduate and undergraduate students in atomic, molecular and atmospheric physics will find this book a useful and timely guide.