Find out about comets and asteroids and where they come from. Discover the difference between a meteor and a meteorite, and learn why shooting stars are not really stars at all.

Part of the Our Solar System series of books that explore the exciting topic of space and are specially written for younger readers. With stunning photographs and explanatory artwork, the books are the perfect introduction to our solar system.

Other titles in the series: Earth; The Moon; The Inner Planets; The Outer Planets and The Sun

Our Solar System: The Sun

by Mary-Jane Wilkins

Published 8 December 2016

Find out about the Sun, the star at the center of our solar system. Discover what the Sun is made from, where the solar wind comes from, and how space probes study the Sun.

Part of the Our Solar System series of books that explore the exciting topic of space and are specially written for younger readers. With stunning photographs and explanatory artwork, the books are the perfect introduction to our solar system.

Other titles in the series: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors; The Inner Planets; The Outer Planets; Earth and The Moon

Our Solar System: Earth

by Mary-Jane Wilkins

Published 24 November 2016

Find out how Earth formed and what makes it different from all the other planets. Discover why we have summer and winter and day and night, and learn how spacecraft from Earth explore the solar system.

Part of the Our Solar System series of books that explore the exciting topic of space and are specially written for younger readers. With stunning photographs and explanatory artwork, the books are the perfect introduction to our solar system.

Other titles in the series: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors; The Moon; The Inner Planets; The Outer Planets and The Sun

Our Solar System: The Moon

by Mary-Jane Wilkins

Published 12 January 2017

Find out how Earth's Moon formed and what it is made from. Discover how the Moon changes, what happens during an eclipse, and how spacecraft and astronauts have explored the Moon.

Part of the Our Solar System series of books that explore the exciting topic of space and are specially written for younger readers. With stunning photographs and explanatory artwork, the books are the perfect introduction to our solar system.

Other titles in the series: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors; Earth; The Inner Planets; The Outer Planets and The Sun

Find out about the four plants nearest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Discover what these planets are like, which has the most moons and which spacecraft have visited them.

The Our Solar System series of books explore the topic of space and are specially written for younger readers. With stunning photographs and explanatory artwork, the books are the perfect introduction to our solar system.

Other titles in the series: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors; Earth; The Moon; The Outer Planets and The Sun

Find out about the four planets farthest from the Sun: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Discover why these planets are called the gas giants, which spacecraft have visited them, and what lies beyond them in the solar system.

Part of the Our Solar System series of books that explore the exciting topic of space and are specially written for younger readers. With stunning photographs and explanatory artwork, the books are the perfect introduction to our solar system.

Other titles in the series: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors; Earth; The Inner Planets; The Moon and The Sun