A Sausage Book

by Helen Saberi

Published 1 December 2006
For most cooks the sausage is a food which is simply dealt with - sizzled on the barbecue, grilled, baked in the oven or unfashionably fried. Yet there are many more interesting ways to cook a sausage from the plain traditional (Toad in the Hole) to the gourmet delicious (Ali-Bab's Sausages in White Wine). This small book gives a feast of classic recipes old and new: Cumberland Sausage in Beer, Devilled Sausage, Sausage and Bean Chilli, Sausage and Pasta Salad, Sausage Cartwheel, Smoked Scotch Sausage and more in an easy to read, simple layout.

A Pudding Book

by Helen Saberi

Published 1 December 2006
This little book aims to give a small selection of varied, interesting or favourite sweet puddings from an historical or modern point of view. Many are interesting because they have been named after a person, including royalty, or after a place where the pudding was first invented or evolved. Great Britain is renowned for its puddings in all their glory and variation. With each county having its own specialties, it is hard to define the term pudding as it can come to mean many things. From boiled and steamed to baked, bread puddings, milk, fruit and batter puddings, you'll find a wide range of desserts to suit any occasion or taste - rhubarb crumble, bakewell pudding, sticky toffee pudding, Hilda's bread and butter pudding, pear conde and many more.