Fibonacci's Rabbits

by Adam Hart-Davis

Published 14 November 2019
The word mathematics comes from the Greek word mathema, meaning knowledge or learning. And indeed, mathematics is at the heart of almost all processes and patterns that occur in the modern world, yet many still find the discipline hard to fathom. Fibonacci's Rabbits solves this problem in bite-sized hops, describing the 50 most critical discoveries and revolutionary moments in the history of mathematics from Ancient Greece to the present day.

Pavlov's Dog

by Adam Hart-Davis

Published 1 March 2018
Experimental psychology burst onto the intellectual scene in the middle part of the nineteenth century, radically transforming the way we understand human thought and behavior.

Featuring clear explanations and first-rate scholarship, Pavlov's Dog introduces the reader to iconic experiments, including Pavlov's salivating dogs, Bandura's Bobo doll experiments, Milgram's obedience studies and Zimbardo's classic Stanford prison experiment. In each case, context, procedure, results and implications are carefully considered, allowing the reader to gain a strong sense of psychology as a living, breathing endeavour.

Schroedinger's Cat

by Adam Hart-Davis

Published 14 June 2018
From Galileo's stargazing to quantum teleportation, from Newton's experiments with optics to the splitting of the atom, Schroedinger's Cat tells the story of natural science through fifty of its greatest experiments.

Featuring engaging writing and clear explanations, Schroedinger's Cat introduces the reader to the scientific experiments that have changed the world. In each case, the experimental procedure is fully described, and the results and implications are carefully considered, allowing the reader to g ain a strong sense of the process and methodology of scientific investigation.