Humans and the Hydrosphere

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2017
The hydrosphere encompasses all water on Earth from glaciers and ice to rivers and oceans. People use water every day. This title asks the question, how much do you use? Readers will learn how humans use water, how humans positively and negatively affect water and how to protect the water supply.

Humans and Other Life on Earth

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2017
Humans have influenced the world around them since they first walked on Earth. Hunting has impacted animal populations. Pollution and deforestation have affected habitats. Humans have also worked to protect the environment through reserves and breeding programmes. In this title readers will learn about both the positive and negative impacts humans have on the biosphere.

Humans and Earth's Atmosphere

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2017
Nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide are all gases in Earth's atmosphere. But what happens when there is too much or two little of a certain gas? Readers will learn how everyday activities such as driving, heating buildings and using aerosols release harmful gases into the air and how it affects the air we breathe.

Human Environmental Impact

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2017
Pollution and mining for resources have negatively impacted Earth. Non-renewable resources will one day run out. Then what? In this title readers will learn about alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and geothermal energy, and what they can do to positively affect Earth.

Humans and Our Planet

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2017

Humans and Our Planet takes you from the edge of the atmosphere to the depths of inner Earth. The set explores how humans impact the plants, animals and spheres of Earth. Examples of what activities are beneficial and harmful help readers to understand the impact humans have on the environment and how to make a positive impact.