Using Springs

by Wendy Sadler

Published 9 June 2005
Incredible inventions are based on the most basic principles, and yet the machines featured in this series can extend to extraordinary levels of complexity. Developed to help pupils understand these simple machines, this series provides the perspective needed to build knowledge and understanding of this core part of the Science and Design & Technology curricula.

Wheels and Axles

by Wendy Sadler

Published 3 June 2005

Using Ramps and Wedges

by Wendy Sadler

Published 9 June 2005
Incredible inventions are based on the most basic principles, and yet the machines featured in this series can extend to extraordinary levels of complexity. Developed to help pupils understand these simple machines, this series provides the perspective needed to build knowledge and understanding of this core part of the Science and Design & Technology curricula.

Using Pulleys and Gears

by Wendy Sadler

Published 9 June 2005
What kind of pulleys do mountain climbers use? How do gears help cars and buses work? Why do weightlifters need pulleys to help them train? Take a close look at some Machines Inside Machines! Simple machines can be found all around us and help us do lots of different things. We use them in the house, in the garden, at school and even when we play. Machines Inside Machines includes: Close-up photographs with arrows and labels to help explain how simple machines work, Exciting activities to try out at home or at school, Information about the features of machines that makes them so good at what they do.

Incredible inventions are based on the most basic principles, and yet the machines featured in this series can extend to extraordinary levels of complexity. Developed to help pupils understand these simple machines, this series provides the perspective needed to build knowledge and understanding of this core part of the Science and Design & Technology curricula.

Pulleys and Gears

by Wendy Sadler

Published 3 June 2005
One in a series of books, this volume presents an introduction to pulleys and gears for six to eight year-olds.

Using Screws

by Wendy Sadler

Published 9 June 2005
Incredible inventions are based on the most basic principles, and yet the machines featured in this series can extend to extraordinary levels of complexity. Developed to help pupils understand these simple machines, this series provides the perspective needed to build knowledge and understanding of this core part of the Science and Design & Technology curricula.


by Wendy Sadler

Published 3 June 2005

Using Levers

by Wendy Sadler

Published 9 June 2005
Incredible inventions are based on the most basic principles, and yet the machines featured in this series can extend to extraordinary levels of complexity. Developed to help pupils understand these simple machines, this series provides the perspective needed to build knowledge and understanding of this core part of the Science and Design & Technology curricula.

Using Wheels and Axles

by Wendy Sadler

Published 9 June 2005
Incredible inventions are based on the most basic principles, and yet the machines featured in this series can extend to extraordinary levels of complexity. Developed to help pupils understand these simple machines, this series provides the perspective needed to build knowledge and understanding of this core part of the Science and Design & Technology curricula.