Cat Traps

by Molly Coxe

Published 1 January 1996
Cat wants a snack.  Cat sets a trap.  Cat trouble!  Simple sentences and snappy illustrations make this a purr-fect first step into the joy of reading.  

Big Egg

by Molly Coxe

Published 1 March 1997

Big Egg

by Molly Coxe

Published 11 March 1997
One morning Hen wakes up and finds a gigantic egg in her nest. Whose ege can it be? Here's a hint, Hen--it doesn't belong to that wily Fox!  

R is for Radish

by Molly Coxe

Published 1 December 1997
Radish the rabbit finds a way to learn her spelling words, discovers a new activity at recess, puts on a play, and joins her friends in a game of flashlight tag.

Hot Dog

by Molly Coxe

Published 15 July 1998
Step 1 books entice early readers with rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. Poor Dog. He's awfully hot! But Mom won't share her lemonade. Cat won't share his shady spot on the porch. And Skunk's making a real stink about sharing his hollow log. What does a hot Dog have to do to get cool?

Step 1 Readers
feature big type and easy words. Rhymes and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story. For children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading.