This book offers the reader an account of the development of social and antisocial development in childhood and adolescence. It reviews the effective interventions available to professionals and parents and offers some common intervention methods for problem behaviour.

This book is designed to enable the practitioner to define inappropriate/ dysfunctional social behaviour/skills and put forward explanatory hypotheses for such difficulties. Planning intervention strategies (social skills training/antisocial behaviour reduction) is covered as well as a guide to give to parents.

This book is for use by those peope who work with parents and children, notably community practitioners such as school nurses, health visitors, social workers and community medical officers who may be asked by worried parents, when, how, and even whether, to potty train their children. It also looks at the problem of children who have been unsuccessful in learning bowel and/or bladder control, or have lost those skills.

Feuding and Fighting

by Martin Herbert

Published 29 January 1996
This guide provides practitioners with information about childhood aggression and its development. It will help to develop strategic plans with the child's parents and provide workable, practical methods which parents can use to manage the behaviour displayed by their children.

The aim of this guide is to provide bereavement counsellors, nurses and doctors and other health care and social service professionals with knowledge, skills and values which assist them in the daunting task of helping children and their families at a time of the deepest possible distress and uncertainty, and to this end, to develop their understanding of how children and adults react to the loss, or imminent loss, of loved ones.