Book 1

A Place Called Home

by Margaret Watson

Published 1 August 2008
Zoe McInnes has never been a quitter - she has stood up to the worst that life has thrown at her. But when worst is Gideon Tate, a sexy lawyer who's defending a case that's a little too close to home, life begins to get very confusing...and very, very exciting!

Book 2

No Place Like Home

by Margaret Watson

Published 1 December 2008
Running away is what single mum Bree does best. Until Parker Ellison, her sexy boss, begins to fall for her! Given her need to escape and Parker's commitment-phobia, they could be over before they even start. And that's too bad, since a place; and a heart; to call home could be what they both truly need.

Book 3

Home at Last

by Margaret Watson

Published 1 January 2009

Once upon a time, everything was perfect.

Fiona McInnes had it all figured out: fabulous career, famous friends and oodles of time to herself to create beautiful jewelry. Until her sisters force her back to Spruce Lake to help settle their father's estate. Until her childhood sweetheart, Jackson Grant, literally storms back into her life. It doesn't help that Jackson has grown up to be one of the sexiest veterinarians she's ever laid eyes on. Sparks are flying big-time.

But Fiona not only needs to return to New York, she wants to. And Jackson has made it clear that's A-okay with him. Because with one broken heart between them, do they dare risk a second chance?