This text shows how the ideas, wisdom, and practices of ancient Egyptians are relevant today and in the new millennium. It provides such examples as the power of pyramids, beliefs about the afterlife, the soul, and the heart center.

An introduction to the beliefs, philosophy and mythology of the Maya and how this can be applied to everyday life in the 21st century. Preservers of a wisdom more ancient than themselves, the Maya had an advanced mathematics, astronomy, and an unrivalled knowledge of the true nature of reality. Ron Bonewitz explores Maya religion and prophecies to see how the universal principles of their understanding apply to us today.


by Ra Bonewitz

Published 3 January 2000
This volume explores the magic and mystery of pyramids - not just Egyptian pyramids, but these enigmatic structures worldwide. Also covered is pyramid research, including discoveries inside the Great Pyramid, and scientific speculation about the genuine and measurable effects of "pyramid power". The author has visited many of the pyramids described, and experienced their effects personally.