Book 1

Rowan of Rin

by Emily Rodda

Published 15 April 1994
Because only he can read the magical map, young, weak, and timid Rowan joins six other villagers to climb a mountain and try to restore their water supply, as fears of a dragon and other horrors threaten to drive them back.

Book 2

Rowan and the Travelers

by Emily Rodda

Published 1 January 1994

Book 2

Book 3

Destiny leads Rowan of Rin to make choices which could save a powerful crystal, thereby ensuring the safety of his people and their shore-dwelling allies.

Book 3

The crystal dims. The chooser is summoned...When the man from the distant land of Maris delivers his mysterious message to the people of Rin, Rowan is shocked to discover what it means to him within hours he is travelling far from home, all the way to the glittering sea,...Read more

Book 4

Rowan and the Zebak

by Emily Rodda

Published 1 May 2002

Book 5

Rowan and the Ice Creepers

by Emily Rodda

Published 1 October 2003
When a bitter winter threatens starvation to the people of Rin who set out for the coast, Rowan and several others stay behind for various reasons and are led to a startling discovery about their people's past.

Book 5

#4 Rowan and the Zebak

by Emily Rodda

Published 1 March 2003
Five strange fingers form fate's hand, Each plays its part at fate's command...When his little sister Annad is snatched from Rin by a monstrous flying creature, Rowan must travel to the distant land of Rin's ancient enemies the Zebak, to rescue her. The journey is a perilous one, and...Read more