Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
1 primary work
Book 27
Computer Modelling in Tomography and Ill-Posed Problems
by M.M. Lavrent'ev
Published 18 February 2001
Comparatively weakly researched untraditional tomography problems aresolved because of new achievements in calculation mathematics and the theory of ill-posed problems, the regularization process of solving ill-posed problems, and the increase of stability. Experiments show possibilities and applicability of algorithms of processing tomography data. This monograph is devoted to considering these problems in connection with series of ill-posed problems in tomography settings arising from practice.The book includes chapters to the following themes:
Mathematical basis of the method of computerized tomography Cone-beam tomography reconstruction Inverse kinematic problem in the tomographic setting
Mathematical basis of the method of computerized tomography Cone-beam tomography reconstruction Inverse kinematic problem in the tomographic setting