Incredible Orgasms

by Marcelle Perks

Published 1 January 2006
"As a young woman, after a few sexual encounters I thought I knew about sex, but later, as a writer and a journalist, my perusal of all things erotic changed my mind. The difference between what two different people considered 'sexy' was staggering. I was amazed by the sheer diversity, it meant that when I referred to something as 'sex' this could mean something entirely different to another person. How exhilarating to realise that anything is possible; orgasms don't even have to be about intercourse. The route to heightened sensuality is knowledge about your body and yourself. "Incredible orgasms" opens the door to a world of fascinating sexual discovery" Marcelle Perks. In "Incredible orgasms" Marcelle reveals 52 luscious ideas to gently nudge your natural libido and ignite your imagination. From getting aroused more fully to finding your own 'trigger' sexual positions, "Incredible orgasms" will change the way you think about your sexuality, your body and you! It's time to let yourself go!
In "Incredible orgasms" Marcelle reveals: how to point your lover in the right direction and assert your sexual identity; Asian secrets - seep yourself in the mysterious wonders of the Far East where coming is not the goal; tips for the sexually adventurous (not for the faint-hearted!); the latest on rubbing lotions, sex tablets and potions; some of the most extraordinary films on the planet for inspiration; and astounding and wonderful things to do with your tongue.