Loretta Kovacs' last chance for a career in law enforcement is with the Jump Squad, otherwise known as the New Jersey State Parole Violators Search Unit. Her new partner is Frank Marvelli, a veteran of the Jump Squad and a tough guy from Jersey who doesn't have time to...Read more

v. 4

Worm Meal and Other Tasty Tales

by Allen B Ury

Published 15 December 1998
Frederick Larsen loves to collect bugs. He's always peeking under rock and turning over dirt looking for new and interesting specimens. The bigger, the better. On a class trip Freddie discovers a worm the length of a garden hose. He totally spazzes! It's the greatest discovery since sliced bread....Read more

Junk food queen Twyla Daboganhagen can't believe the rumor: her all-time most favorite hamburger stand makes its burgers out of--gulp!--ground up..."worms"? Well, one bite should prove how silly those rumors are, right? Mmmmm. Nice and "sqwormy." Gross! But that's not all. Marjorie Kellen has noticed something odd about the...Read more

Ever flick ont he bathroom light and -- AHHHH!!! -- come face-to-face with a cockroach? Kind of makes you want to -- well, you know. What if instead of one cockroach, there were thousands? For fourteen-year-old Joe Seven, it's going to take more than a "Whack" with a shoe...Read more