
by Peter Bowen and Christopher Lane

Published 1 May 2003
A secretive millennial cult from California purchases a ranch on the outskirts of the Montana badlands---the eerily silent, dry, and windy dead zone---and the Toussaint townsfolk are none too pleased.
The cult members keep to themselves, but the suspicious circumstances under which they've arrived have Gabriel Du Pre...Read more

Bks. 3 & 4

Wolf, No Wolf

by Peter Bowen

Published 1 March 1996
Peter Bowen, a Montanan, writes of the West. Cowboy, hunting and fishing guide, folksinger, poet, essayist, and novelist, he's written the picaresque Yellowstone Kelly historical novels, humour columns and essays on blood sports as Coyote Jack and the Gabriel Du Pre mysteries, in part because "the Metis are a...Read more


by Peter Bowen

Published 1 April 2005
Investigating the murder of his eccentric aunt's latest husband, Gabriel Du Pr turns for help to old friend and FBI agent Harvey Wallace and uncovers a host of suspects in Montana. By the author of The Stick Game and Thunder Horse. 10,000 first printing."

The Tumbler

by Peter Bowen

Published 12 April 2004
Gabriel Du Pre, the protagonist of Peter Bowen's atmospheric, engrossing series set in the dirty, dusty Montana prairie lands, is besieged by a rumour about a parcel containing the lost' journals of Lewis and Clark. Outsiders are beginning to invade Toussaint, drawn by the spirit of the legendary explorers,...Read more


by Peter Bowen

Published 1 January 2006
A van full of praying, protesting fundamentalist Christians has arrived in Toussaint at about the time that Gabriel Du Pre's precocious granddaughter Pallas returns from her studies in Washington, DC. A young soldier follows, just back from Iraq missing a let, and eye, and his grip on reality. Du...Read more