
by Walter Scott

Published 7 January 2010
When Marmion was published in 1808 it was met with both critical and popular acclaim; four editions and over 11,000 copies were produced in 1808 alone. It was with the overwhelming success of Marmion that Scott's poetic reputation was indisputably established, his emersion in the world of commercial publishing confirmed, and his commitment to a literary life fully determined. Scott here features as a topical poet, commemorating both national events and occasions, as well as the work of his contemporaries. His relations with aristocratic patrons, artists, and statesmen are also amply reflected in the dedicatory epistles. This is arguably the most challenging and most rewarding of all Scott poems. The critical apparatus in this volume includes an extended essay on the development of the text, a Historical Note, Explanatory Notes and a full glossary of Scots, foreign and archaic words.

Walter Scott, Shorter Poems

by Walter Scott

Published 31 August 2020

A thorough re-evaluation of Scott's output as a writer of short poems
Includes poems not in the standard edition of Scott's collected poems or not previously printed anywhereBased on new archival researchProvides critically edited textsSupplies extensive annotation
This fully annotated scholarly edition, based on new archival research, comprises 134 poems, several of which went unpublished, and all of which have been expertly re-edited from early printings or manuscript originals. Walter Scott remained a poet throughout his writing career and this collection of poems ranges chronologically from the earliest efforts of a clever Edinburgh schoolboy to the last works of an old and ailing international celebrity author. The poems span generically songs and ballads, theatrical contributions, epitaphs, translations from Latin, Spanish, French, Gaelic and German, and private jeux d'esprit. The comprehensive editorial apparatus provides readers with the historical and literary context for every poem, engages with the relation of song lyrics to musical settings, and traces all quotations and allusions to books, people and places.