Single-Phase, Two-Phase and Supercritical Natural Circulation Systems provides readers with a deep understanding of natural circulation systems. This book equips the reader with an understanding on how to detect unstable loops to ensure plant safety and reliability, calculate heat transport capabilities, and design effective natural circulation loops, stability maps and parallel channel systems. Each chapter begins with an introduction to the circulation system before discussing each element in detail and analyzing its effect on the performance of the system. The book also presents thermosyphon heat transport devices in nuclear and other industrial plants, a common information need for students and researchers alike.

This book is invaluable for engineers, designers, operators and consultants in nuclear, mechanical, electrical and chemical disciplines.

Severe Accidents in Nuclear Reactors: Corium Retention Technologies and Insights presents an authoritative and practical analysis of the latest severe accident management strategies based on previous events and experiments. Written for utilities and industries operating and researching nuclear cooled reactor power plants, this book presents the exponential growth in research since major nuclear accidents and acts as a guide to retaining molten corium, both inside and outside the reactor vessel. Sections cover the physics behind several complex phenomena occurring during corium coolability, providing the reader with an in-depth understanding by presenting the insights obtained from simulated severe accidents.

In addition, the book validates several severe accident codes and provides evidence on the termination of severe accident progressions to help the reader evaluate the safety of existing reactors and design the next generation of nuclear reactors.