Book 52

The Contestant

by Stephanie Doyle

Published 1 July 2005

How far would her competition go to win a million dollars? Lying? Cheating? Murder?

That's what former Olympic diver Talia Mooney feared when the body washed up on the site of the Ultimate Endurance reality TV show. Now she was stranded on a tropical island with her fellow contestants and their nervous host. One of them had to be the killer.

Was it the wannabe starlet, the underweight geek, the man having a midlife crisis? Could it be her strongest competition, the sexy smart-ass ex-cop? Talia had counted on her honed body and ferocious desire to win to pull her through. Now she must decide whom to trust--and how to beat the killer at his own game....

Book 116


by Stephanie Doyle

Published 1 November 2006


Cassandra Allen's gift is so uncanny that even the skeptical police now consult her on murder investigations. But when she's called in to investigate a rash of serial murders, her mind is assaulted by a terrifying being from beyond....

Cass believes the evil force attempting to possess her is involved in the killings. But how? Then she meets Malcolm McDonough, brother of the first victim. He's successful, attractive, unsettling... and he doesn't believe that Cass hears the dead. Yet even as Malcolm denies her claims, he is counting on Cass to lead them to the killer.

Because all the victims have one thing in common--her.