Interrupted Lullaby

by Dana R. Lynn

Published 1 November 2011

A child taken from her loving arms too soon.

So Tara McNiven swallowed her tears, bolstered her pride and vowed never to let Zeke Blaxland know about the family that might have been.... But when Zeke burst unexpectedly into her life once more, Tara could keep no secrets from this determined, mesmerizing man. For Zeke not only demanded her kiss, he demanded answers.

And what he discovered filled Tara with a powerful hope. Zeke claimed their baby was still alive and only needed to be found. Now, as they searched side by side, she discovered the powerful truth: that she had never stopped loving Zeke, or dreaming of their future family....

Presumed Guilty

by Dana R. Lynn

Published 1 April 2015

After four years in prison for a crime she didn't commit, Melanie Swanson's finally free. Yet starting over brings a heavy load of challenges. Nearly everyone believes she's guilty–including police lieutenant Jace Tucker. Jace's certainty cracks only when Melanie is repeatedly attacked, and when the people around her are picked off one by one.

Melanie's clearly innocent–and terrified. Someone wants her dead to keep her shattered memories from recalling the crime she witnessed rather than caused. She lost her friends, her fiancé and her freedom when she was found guilty–but proving her innocence could cost Melanie her life.