Plain-Jane Princess

by Karen Templeton

Published 1 August 2001

Incompetent! She couldn't cook, clean or operate the dishwasher. But Steven Koleski had to admit the mysterious woman did have a way with his newfound family...and his lonely heart.

It was the opportunity of a lifetime for Princess Sophie of Carpathia: two weeks of living like a regular person. On top of that, caring for children was her passion. But with five of them tugging on her heartstrings and their sexy guardian bestowing fiery kisses on her, how could she ever return to life as a princess when her fairy-tale ending was right here...right now?

Runaway Bridesmaid

by Karen Templeton

Published 19 October 2001

Walk down the aisle with Sarah Whitehouse on his arm? Shoot, Dean Parrish had dreamed of that for as long as he could remember. But sexy Sarah wasn' t the bride, he wasn' t the groom- and they weren' t even speaking!

Sarah had always known Dean would come back to sleepy Sweetbranch one day. But she' d expected him to be the rogue who had broken her heart- not the charmer who' d stolen it in the first place. With their siblings' wedding looming, the last thing she needed was to rekindle a romance with the best man- and risk him discovering her shocking secret....

Everything But A Husband

by Karen Templeton

Published 17 October 2003

At thirty-one, widow Galen Granata was a veteran of such an unhappy marriage that she had never dared to long for what every woman dreamed of. Like a man to love... and children. So she' d built a wall around herself that no one had even tried to penetrate.

Until Del Farentino. And then Galen found herself face-to-face with the enormously attractive widower- and his deaf little girl. Wendy might not be able to talk in the conventional way, but she- and her sexy single father- were speaking to Galen in a way that no one else ever had. Could she find the courage to accept everything they offered?

Anything For Her Marriage

by Karen Templeton

Published 19 September 2003


For years, Nancy Shapiro had a secret crush on gorgeous, wealthy Rod Braden, but Nancy knew she had nothing in common with the strong, silent, single dad. Until the night she offered him a little coffee and kindness-and they wound up making a baby!

Responsible Rod was prepared to offer his home and his name to Nancy. But he never anticipated that his bride would blast through all his defences. Could Rod convince Nancy that a marriage born of honor was now his heart's desire?

Expectantly Yours

Baby on the way

Anything for His Children

by Karen Templeton

Published 15 November 2002