Lord of the Sky

by Doris Gates

Published 1 January 1972
A retelling of the Greek myths centered around Zeus including the tales of Europa, King Minos, and others.

The Golden God

by Doris Gates

Published 21 May 1973
Retells the Greek myths in which Apollo plays a major role, including that of his birth and the tales of Daphne and Phaethon.

The Mightiest of Mortals

by Doris Gates

Published 17 November 1975
Retells the exploits of the Greek demi-god Heracles, including the tales of his twelve labors.

A Fair Wind for Troy

by Doris Gates

Published 8 November 1976
Retells the events leading up to the Trojan War including Helen's capture by Paris and the sacrifice of Iphigenia at Aulis.