Book 1

The Rogue

by Claire Delacroix

Published 1 October 2002

Book 2

The Scoundrel

by Claire Delacroix

Published 1 August 2003
Determined to seek revenge on Gawain Lammergeier, the roguish brother of Merlyn, Evangeline comes up with a scheme to charm Gawain in order to steal back the sacred relic stolen by Gawain from her falconer father, but her plans take an unexpected turn when she loses her heart to her would-be prey. O

Book 3

The Warrior

by Claire Delacroix

Published 6 January 2004
Following The Rogue and The Scoundrel, this final tale tells the story of Michael Lammergeier, the son of the hero and heroine of The Scoundrel. On the night of his 18th birthday Michael embarks on a mission to seek out his ancestral home and to restore its former glory. There he comes across an old crone who claims she was his lover in a past life. She is killed once the battle begins, but her words haunt him. Years later, Michael has become a legend known only as the Hawk, who continues to fight the Maclaren cian. When he meets Aileen of Abernge, he again is struck that she is his predestined lover and steals her for his bride. Reluctantly, she falls in love with him and helps him defeat his enemies and restore peace to the land.

The Rogues of Ravensmuir

by Claire Delacroix

Published 1 December 2016