Fibromyalgia is a debilitating, chronic condition characterised by widespread pain, sleep disturbance, fatigue and other symptoms. In this accessible and informative guide, find out 50 things you can do today to manage fibromyalgia, such as exercising to ease pain, benefiting from a balanced diet and helpful supplements, and finding helpful products and organisations.

With a foreword by Alice Theadom of the Fibromyalgia Association UK.

Are you one of the 12 million people in the UK regularly affected by stress? In this reassuring and easy-to-follow book, find out 50 things you can do today to help you manage stress, such as identifying your stress triggers and learning how to manage them, choosing beneficial foods and supplements, and reducing stress through aromatherapy and therapeutic massage. This title is presented with a foreword by Jenny Edwards, Vice Chair of the International Stress Management Association UK and Editor of Stress News.

Migraines are one of the most serious disabling medical conditions. In the UK, around one in five women, one in nine children and one in twelve men suffer from them. Are you one of them?

• Discover how to avoid your triggers
• Choose beneficial foods and supplements
• Understand conventional and alternative treatments

Did you know that up to one in five people in the UK suffer from hay fever?

Are you one of them?

In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how genetic, dietary, psychological and environmental factors can contribute to hay fever and offers practical advice and a holistic approach to help you deal with your symptoms, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies.

Find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope with hay fever including:

• Identify your allergens
• Adopt preventative strategies
• Choose beneficial foods and supplements
• Manage stress and relax to reduce the number and severity of attacks
• Find helpful organisations and products

Over nine million people suffer from arthritis in the UK. Are you one of them? Learn how genetics, age, infections, diet, excess weight, previous injuries and stress contribute.

  • Choose beneficial foods and supplements
  • Find out which types of exercise can best bring relief
  • Discover practical tips to make everyday living easier


by Wendy Green

Published 10 February 2016

In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how psychological, genetic and dietary factors can contribute to anxiety, and off ers practical advice and a holistic approach
to help you deal with the symptoms. From simple dietary and lifestyle changes to DIY complementary therapies, find out 50 things you can do today, including:

  • Replace negative thoughts and behaviour with positive ones
  • Manage stress and relax to reduce symptoms
  • Choose beneficial foods and supplements
  • Find helpful organisations and products


by Wendy Green

Published 10 February 2016

Do you think you might be going through the menopause? Are you confused by conflicting advice about HRT? Or are you unsure which natural alternatives are effective? In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains common physical and psychological symptoms and offers a holistic approach to help you deal with them, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies. Find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope with the menopause, including:

  • Ease hot flushes and reduce the risks associated with menopause
  • Learn the truth about HRT and make informed choices
  • Discover how to beat middle-age spread and look younger
  • Find helpful organisations and products

Eczema is an uncomfortable and often distressing skin condition which affects one in five children and one in twelve adults in the UK. Are you one of them?

. Manage stress to reduce flare-ups
. Learn how to adapt your home environment
. Choose beneficial foods and supplements

In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains the psychological and lifestyle factors which can affect your confidence, offering practical advice and a holistic approach to help you build your confidence levels, including simple lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies. Find out 50 things you can do to boost your confidence today including:

- Find balance through aromatherapy and homeopathy
- Use positive affirmations
- Choose beneficial foods and supplements
- Find helpful organisations and products

One in 20 adults in the UK will suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives. Are you one of them? Learn how to replace negative thoughts and behaviour with positive ones.

  • Learn assertiveness skills and boost your self-esteem
  • Discover ways to become more active to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Find helpful organisations and products

Did you know that up to one in five people in the UK suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

Are you one of them?

In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how diet, food intolerances, gut infections and bacterial imbalance, stress and hormones can contribute to IBS and offers practical advice and a holistic approach to help you deal with the symptoms, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies.

Find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope with IBS including:

* Identify your IBS triggers and learn how to manage them
* Choose beneficial foods and supplements
* Manage stress and relax to reduce flare-ups
* Learn which types of exercise can help to relieve symptoms
* Find helpful organisations and products

Do you think you might be going through the menopause? Are you confused by conflicting advice about HRT and unsure which natural alternatives are effective?

Wendy Green explains common physical and psychological symptoms and offers a holistic approach to help you deal with them, including simple lifestyle and dietary changes and DIY natural therapies.

* Ease hot flushes and reduce the risks associated with menopause
* Learn the truth about HRT and make informed choices
* Discover how to beat middle-age spread and look younger
* Find helpful organisations and products

In this easy-to-follow guides, expert authors off er practical advice to help you make positive changes in your life, with a holistic approach including simple lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies.