Inventing the Electric Light

by Lisa Mullins

Published 15 March 2007
This book is suitable for ages 8 to 14 years. "Inventing the Electric Light" tells the story of how early scientists experimented with the newly discovered energy called electricity to create light. Young readers will be fascinated to learn what light sources people used before electricity was discovered, and how the electric light bulb changed the world. The topics include: early experiments by Benjamin Franklin, Pieter van Musschenbroek, Alessandro Volta, and Sir Humphrey Davy; Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison's electric light bulbs; how the electric light bulb changed people's everyday lives; how an electric light bulbs works, and its uses; and, the future of the electric light bulb.

Inventing the Printing Press

by Lisa Mullins

Published 15 March 2007
This book is suitable for ages 8 to 14 years. Before the invention of the printing press, information was not easily accessible to the majority of people in the world. "Inventing the Printing Press" will teach young readers what life was like before the printing press was invented and how its invention transformed the lives of ordinary people. This fascinating book features full-colour photographs and illustrations that accompany the easy-to-read text. The topics include: cuneiforms, tablets, scrolls, and codices; the first presses, including Johannes Gutenberg's press and moveable type; early and present-day book making processes; print in daily life; types of presses, such as the Stanhope and Columbian; computerised printing; future printing technologies.