This fact-filled new book describes the tomato’s history and how tomatoes have become a major part of our diet, whether uncooked or in sauces, pizzas, curries, and condiments. Interesting facts include the tomato’s connection to folktales about werewolves and why today’s commercial farm-grown tomato is seven times less nutritious than a tomato grown 50 years ago.

Next to petroleum, coffee beans are the second most valuable commodity traded in the world. Young readers will be fascinated to learn how this popular product is grown, harvested, processed, and sold. Find out where coffee plants originated from and how coffee was spread around the world.

Mouth watering pictures illustrate this delicious new book on one of the world's favorite foods. Children will love learning how the ancient Aztecs created a special drink from the bitter beans of the cacao tree and how those beans later became the delectable treat known as chocolate. Fascinating facts reveal where and how cacao beans are grown and harvested, and how they are manufactured into many kinds of chocolate products.