World Textiles

by Mary Schoeser

Published 9 June 2003
Mary Schoeser’s groundbreaking book presents a chronological survey of textiles around the world from prehistory to the present day, exploring how they are made, what they are made from, how they function in society, and the ways in which they are used and given meaning.

From the very earliest needles of twenty-five thousand years ago, to the ‘techno textiles’ of today, textiles have been fundamental to human existence – enjoyed, prized and valued by every culture. Silks from China, cottons from India, tapestries from Flanders, dyes from South America, the ravishing appeal of different weaves, colours and patterns was long the motivation for trade, the exchange of ideas, and sometimes even war.

World Textiles is the perfect introduction to this vast and fascinating subject, invaluable for makers, designers, textile and fashion professionals, collectors and students alike.