See the life cycle of a butterfly. Watch as it goes through every stage: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and beautiful butterfly!

The Cake That Wasn't a Cake

by William Anthony

Published 1 September 2021
The night before Tim’s birthday, an enormous cake appeared in his house. Tim had no idea where it came from, who bought it or how it got there – and he certainly didn’t know why it was full of a family of Italian mice from New York with a score to settle.


by William Anthony

Published 1 June 2021
Do you have any pets? What kinds of pet are there? Find out all about pets in this book.

Stay Safe Online

by William Anthony

Published 1 June 2021
The internet is a wonderful thing, full of fun websites. It is important to stay safe online to make the most of the internet. Let’s find out how to stay safe online!

Look Up!

by William Anthony

Published 1 June 2021
Look up at night. How far can you see? Can you see stars, Saturn or Mars?

At the Fun Fair

by William Anthony

Published 1 June 2021
Have you ever been to the fun fair? Let’s learn about the fun rides and things to do!

At the Shop

by William Anthony

Published 1 June 2021
What do we do when we go to the shop? What might a shop sell? How do we pay for things? Let’s find out!

Abigail Toenail has a big fear. She has a fear of the toenail clipper. But Abigail needs to decide what she is more afraid of: the toenail clipper or super-sized, smelly toenails...

The Fox and the Hen

by William Anthony

Published 1 December 2021
What does it mean to be you? Should you be the way others expect you to be, or can you be the person that you want to be? Join a fox and a hen on their unlikely journey together, as they learn what it means to be them.

The No Kids Club

by William Anthony

Published 1 December 2021
Mums and dads keep sneaking off from their kids, but the kids aren't letting it lie. Forming the Spies for Lies, a group of clever kids plan to solve where their parents are sneaking off to and uncover the mystery once and for all!

A Holiday Gift

by William Anthony

Published 1 December 2021
There is a giant gift for Fay under the tree. What could it be? Fay wishes her mum was around to help her guess, but she is away until May for her job. Could it be a big clay monster? What about a big railway? What could be the greatest gift

of all?

Prawns at Dawn

by William Anthony

Published 1 December 2021
It's all kicking off in Reef Lawn. Fish foes Keeth and Erika have had enough of each other - and it's come down to prawns at dawn. For the winner, their life can return to normal. But for the loser, it's game over in Reef Lawn.

The much-loved class hamster, Echo, is missing. Can Chris, Rochelle and Mr Chip find him before the class teacher Mrs March returns? The search is on…

The Tale Jail

by William Anthony

Published 1 June 2022
Have you ever wondered where the bad guys from fairy tales end up? Look no further than The Tale Jail – a super-secure prison housing a group of inmates from Captain Hook to the Big Bad Wolf. Unfortunately for everyone else, they don’t plan on sticking around for much longer…

Boring Rick has a boring life in a boring junk factory. But when a sense of adventure changes Boring Rick, there is no turning back as things get out of control. Maybe being boring wasn’t so bad in the first place.

Kim the Boss & Less and Less

by William Anthony

Published 1 September 2022
Kim the Boss

Kim is the boss and she can say ‘no’ to anybody. But who is Kim’s boss?

Less and Less

Ross wants a nice drawing done of him, but Ross is mean. What will Bob do with the drawing?

Rick's Gum and The Red Pot

by William Anthony

Published 1 September 2022
Rick’s Gum

Rick has some bubble gum, but the bubble gets too big. Can Rick’s family save him?

The Red Pot

Rem is not happy when she gets a maths sum wrong. She is so angry that nothing is safe from Rem or her red pot of paint!

The Big Fan & Get Off!

by William Anthony

Published 1 September 2022
The Big Fan

Meg and Mum are at the match. When the game is over, Meg gets on the pitch and shows her skill!

Get Off!

Why won’t the dog leave Dad alone? Dad is already late!