Investigating Landforms

by Lynn Van Gorp

Published 21 September 2007
Earth's surface is always changing and scientists study landforms to learn about these changes. Destructive forces like earthquakes and volcanoes are discussed as well as weathering and erosion from water runoffs. Readers will learn about some of the most famous and majestic landforms in existence, like the Canadian Rocky...Read more

Introduce children to ways that the Earth's surface is constantly changing. This Spanish book teaches readers about earthquakes, volcanoes, weathering, and erosion. Featuring stunning images and fascinating facts, children will also learn about famous landforms like the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Angel Falls, Mount Fuji, and Columbia River Gorge. With...Read more

Gregor Mendel

by Lynn Van Gorp

Published 1 January 2007
This appealing biography will have children engaged and inspired as they learn about Gregor Mendel and his discovery of how genetics works. The supportive text, accessible glossary, and helpful index work in conjunction with the intriguing facts and alluring images to provide readers with an interesting look at such...Read more

From compounds to chemical reactions, readers will learn all about elements, their properties, and how they react with other elements in this stunning book that features colorful images and intriguing facts! Ionic bonds, chemical bonds, the Periodic Table of Elements, mixtures, and solutions are some of the topics that...Read more

Antoine Lavoisier

by Lynn Van Gorp

Published 3 August 2007
Antoine Lavoisier is often known as the "Founder of Modern Chemistry". In this captivating biography, readers will discover how his studying and work led to his discovery of the Conservation of Mass, naming 33 of the elements, being the first person to discover the existence of oxygen, and creating...Read more

The World of Genetics

by Lynn Van Gorp

Published 14 December 2007
This fascinating book is part of the Life Sciences Readers for students in Upper Primary School.

Pioneers of Earth Science

by Lynn Van Gorp

Published 21 September 2007
Gerardus Mercator, John Wesley Powell, Grove Karl Gilbert, William Morris Davis, Albrecht Penck, and Florence Bascom are some of the incredible geologists and geographers that readers will learn about in this biographical title. With a variety of colorful, vivid images and graphs, easy-to-read text, and intriguing facts and sidebars,...Read more