Personnel and development professionals need to acquire and constantly update a full portfolio of core skills. The "Developing Skills" series should equip managers with all the essential elements. Managers spend their time negotiating, whether with customers, suppliers, trade unions, individual employees or each other. This introductory text shows them how to negotiate for results. The book offers concrete practical guidance on everything, from setting objectives and agendas through to agreement and implementation, as well as bargaining by correspondence and effective use of the media. Case studies and checklists drive home the key messages. Today, negotiations increasingly involve works councils, "outsourced" staff and internal "customers", so Alan Fowler has revised the book to take full account of these new challenges. It also spells out in detail the best tactics for different circumstances and types of negotiator. Negotiation skills remain a crucial competence that personnel practitioners - and all other managers - need to develop and maintain; the fundamental principles are set out in this book.