A comprehensive guide for the layman on Alzheimer's disease, its possible causes, effects, diagnosis, the pattern of its progression and possible treatments. There is a large section on the needs of the carer with practical advice about how to get help. The subject matter is difficult but, by taking an honest look at the difficulties of the disease, the book seeks to enable sufferers and carers to plan for the future and make the best of their situation.

Living with High Blood Pressure

by Dr Tom Smith

Published 7 November 1985
Discusses the common affliction of high blood pressure. The book explains what causes high blood pressure, and how to treat it. It discusses methods of treatment from self-help to the actions and importance of drug treatments. It also includes diet, lifestyle, stress, and inheritance.

Living with Back Pain

by Dr Tom Smith

Published 20 June 2003
Nearly two thirds of people will experience back pain at some time in their life and 2.5 million people in Britain have back pain every day - Straightforward and reliable advice - Award winning author Back pain is very common and can be disabling. It can also be difficult to treat successfully. Tom Smith explains the different types and causes of back pain, how they are diagnosed, and what treatment is available. This includes chiropractic, osteopathy, physiotherapy, and medication.

Every year, over 130,000 men and women need replacement joints as a result of osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. This is a practical guide for those facing hip or knee-replacement surgery. It explains why the treatment is carried out, what it involves, how to cope while awaiting treatment - including advice on exercise and resting - and recovery after the operation. It includes descriptions of treatment, case studies and a list of helpful organizations.

Hiatus hernia is a very common digestive problem, which causes heartburn, indigestion and chest pains. Evidence from general practitioners suggests that as many as one in five patients they see has a hiatus hernia. Self-management is the key to treating hiatus hernia - changing eating patterns, sleeping position and posture in order to allow the gap in the stomach to heal. Tom Smith is a qualified general practitioner. Here he explains the symptoms and discusses who is at risk. He provides information about the treatments and what they involve, along with advice on how to prevent a recurrence. There is also practical advice on controlling the symptoms.