This self-help book offers comprehensive information for sufferers of thyroid problems which focuses on the physical, psychological and emotional effects. Thyroid problems have increased and this has been attributed to more stressful lifestyles. The book explains the background to the problem and looks at special cases, such as pregnancy and old age. It gives positive advice on how to overcome depression and how to cope with the physical effects.

Living with Osteoporosis

by Joan Gomez

Published 19 January 2001
Osteoporosis has reached epidemic proportions, affecting one in three women. This literally crippling condition can mean long-term pain and deformity from broken and crumbling bones. But the good news is that it is preventable, and there have been enormous advances in both diagnosis and treatment over the last few years. This updated book looks at how women can best protect themselves from this condition, and examines the latest controversial advice on HRT. It also suggests sound advice on diet, exercise and other lifestyle measures designed to nourish living bones.

Coping with Gallstones

by Joan Gomez

Published 18 August 2000
It is estimated that 15 to 20 percent of adults have gallstones, and the majority of sufferers are women. Many people don't notice symptoms for some time, but for very many people they can be a source of great discomfort. This book explains what gallstones are, who is most vulnerable, and describes diagnosis of different types and treatments. It covers causes, treatments and lifestyle issues.

How to Cope with Anaemia

by Joan Gomez

Published 26 March 1998
Anaemia can be a major health problem, and it can result in fatigue, depression and reduced resistance to infections. It can be caused by simple iron deficiency or other, more serious medical conditions. The treatments can be troublesome, and this book explains how to cope. It offers information about the different kinds of anaemia and practical advice on how to manage with the symptoms. It explains the special problems for pregnant women and older people, and discusses ways of coping with the side-effects of treatment.