Book 2

You Can't Kill the Multiverse

by Ira Nayman

Published 10 January 2014
It's just another day in the Transdimensional Authority, with teams of investigators doing what they do best (well, after breakdancing) - investigating. Bob Blunt is en route through a Dimensional Portal(t) to Earth prime 4-7-5-0-0-7 dash iota to investigate cars exhibiting most uncarlike behaviours - ribbit! (Breaking all of the Transdimensional Authority rules - number 127, he is without his partner, 'Breakfront' Balboa, who is on leave after an unfortunate incident with the Vulvar Ambassador to Earth Prime and a staple gun). Beau Beaumont and Biff Buckley have already arrived on Earth Prime 5-9-2-7-7-1 dash theta to find themselves surrounded by machines whose only intention is to serve human masters - even if it kills them! Recently recruited TA investigator Noomi Rapier, with her partner 'Crash' Chumley, is on Earth Prime 6-4-7-5-0-6 dash theta where all matter at all levels of organisation (from sub-atomic particles to the universe itself) has become conscious.
Meanwhile Barack Bowens and Blabber Begbie, taking the Dimensional DeLorean(t) to Earth prime 4-6-3-0-2-9 dash omicron, face multiple apocalypses (already in progress), and Bertrand Blailock and Bao Bai-Leung are having trouble travelling to their intended destination: the home of the digital gods. At first, they all appear to be looking for unauthorised and probably counterfeit Home Universe Generator(t)s, but could what's really happening be more sinister? (Yes. Yes, it could. We wouldn't want to leave you in suspense - )

Book 3

Random Dingoes

by Ira Nayman

Published 1 May 2015
Think back to a time in your life that you made a decision that you now regret. Oh, don't be so coy - everybody has one. Okay, maybe not Mother Teresa. Or, Bruce Springsteen. But, unless you're Mother Teresa or Bruce Springsteen - and we're pretty sure you're not - you have been in that position. What if you could go back in time and change that decision? What if you could make the other choice? Or, even better, choose a third option that you didn't even see at the time? Wouldn't you like to know how things would have turned out if only you had done something different at that critical juncture in your life? DON'T BOTHER. Have you never read any science fiction time travel stories? Don't you know that they always end with either dinosaurs becoming the dominant species on the planet or your grandfather killing Hitler, causing you to be born with a speech impediment and an irrational fear of listening to Born in the USA? Time branches are not something you can borrow books from - they are paths to realities that you couldn't anticipate and don't want to live in, and just try to get a decent corned beef on rye in any of them!
In Random Dingoes, the third Transdimensional Authority novel by Ira Nayman, investigators Noomi Rapier and Crash Chumley look into reports of a drug that allows people to travel between universes without technological assistance. They methodically work their way up the drug ring's chain of command and are just about to arrest its leader when - time travel happens. With the assistance of Time Agency agent Radames Trafshanian, Noomi and Crash must navigate realities they hadn't anticipated and which they wouldn't want to live in. But, can they find a decent corned beef on rye? You'll have to read Random Dingoes to find out!

Book 4

The fourth book of Ira Nayman's increasingly improperly named Transdimensional Authority series (really, would it have killed him to plan the series more in advance? George R. R. Martin planned the first 137 books in his series - it will take more generations in his family to write than the books themselves actually chronicle - before he wrote a single word, and everybody knows where they stand with him), features Time Agency agent Radames Trafshanian. When she's not trying to impress her good friend in the Transdimensional Authority, her very special friend, if you know what we mean (and, if you do, could you please tell us, because we're not entirely certain...), Radames is busy trying to solve crimes against time (that is, crimes that are themselves against time, not trying to solve them against time - she's not on the clock...well, she sort of is, but you know what we mean don't you. You don't? Well then, you'll have to read It's Just the Chronosphere Unfolding as it Should to find out).
In this novel, which is not nearly as parenthetical as the previous sentence may have led you to believe, we accompany Radames on her latest case, followed by her previous case (time travel's like that) and on the way we find out much more about the origin of the Time Agency itself and why it's organised like a Library, which is very timely (see what we did there?). Featuring guest appearances by Noomi Rapier, Elvis Presley and Margaret Atwo-.

Book 5

In the fifth novel in Ira Nayman's Multiverse series (aka the Transdimensional Authority series, which is misleading because one book of the series was mostly about the Time Agency - honestly, if you blinked, you would have missed the appearance of the Transdimensional Authority, and if you didn't blink, well, the publisher accepts no responsibility for the cost of the surgery to rehydrate your eyes), we once again follow the intricate web of events that unfold in a Transdimensional Authority investigation (oh! - so we could have stayed with the other series name after all - it's not easy keeping track when these sentences can be the size of a Sherman tank!). Why would someone, apparently chosen at random, have their consciousness swapped with someone else in another reality? How would someone, apparently chosen at random, have their consciousness swapped with someone else in another reality? Why would another three persons, apparently chosen at random, have their consciousness swapped with three other someone elses in another reality? Why would the entire bridge crew of a starship, apparently...well, you get the picture. What will happen to all these very confused people?
How does the Alternate Reality News Service get scoops on these events so quickly? Why are their reporters acting so dodgy - do they have something to hide, or just issues? Who are the Pops, and can they help? Does the editor know what's going on, and if she does would she even tell Noomi (our favourite TA investigator)? What was that noise from her office when Noomi was 'interviewing' her? Why am I asking you these questions when you haven't even read the story yet? Or have you? Why are you reading this blurb if you've already read the story? Are you looking for an alternate reality, or just alternative facts? This is fiction you know, we tell it like it is. If you want alternative facts you better try a news service...or a politician. Oh, and if you're looking for a news service, you could always consider the Alternate Reality News Service.

Book 6

Good Intentions

by Ira Nayman

Published 1 April 2019
At the end of You Can't Kill the Multiverse (But You Can Mess With its Head), Doctor Alhambra, the chief scientist of the Transdimensional Authority, set up an alarm to warn him if a universe is succumbing to the universe-killing machine that is at the heart of the story. But how would the Transdimensional Authority respond if that alarm went off?

In Good Intentions, the first book in the Multiverse Refugees Trilogy, but also the sixth Transdimensional Authority novel, we find out. In the process we not only meet the most unusual refugees in fiction (probably), learn what Noomi Rapier's brother does (and with whom), revisit Dingle Dell, and finally discover what happened to chapter seventeen of The Multiverse is a Nice Place to Visit But I Wouldn't Want to Live There.

Book 7

Bad Actors

by Ira Nayman

Published 20 August 2021
Two years after the discovery that Earth Prime 4-6-4-0-8-9 dash Omega is in imminent danger of collapse, the Transdimensional Authority has helped hundreds of millions... well, millions... okay, a lot of aliens immigrate to Earth Prime. How's that working out?
Rodney Pendleton, the first alien to make the move, is now a tech millionaire (hover technology is wildly popular - who knew?). Wainwright Walsh, lead singer for The Occidental Tourists (ask your parents... or, maybe your grandparents), puts together an all-star band to raise funds for a foundation to help the aliens adjust to their new home.
But all is not beat yas and scream on Earth Prime. An investigation into the first murder of an alien being leads to an anti-alien protest group, revealing a dark, speciesist strain of human emotion. And a different investigation into the disappearance of aliens in Latin America reveals a dark, greedy strain of human emotion.
It turns out, some problems cannot be solved by the swift, unexpected application of pie!

Book 8

The Ugly Truth

by Ira Nayman

Published 17 June 2022
Emigrating to a new universe can be hard. People in the new universe eat for sustenance (rather than get their energy directly from sunlight). Eww! They use umbrellas to protect them from the rain (rather than pianos and anvils and safes and orangutans - oh, my! - falling from the sky). Their gods do not reward them in the afterlife for how funny they were while they were alive - as if any other qualities in life matter!
Fleeing a dying universe is not for the faint of gall bladder!
The Ugly Truth: is the final volume in Ira Nayman's appropriately described Multiverse Refugees trilogy. In it, musicians are hoist on their own poetic petard, pies fly and four foot tall blue aliens with no hair and exaggeratedly round features who wear exquisite three piece suits find amusing new ways to die.
As they say on Earth Prime 4-6-4-0-8-9 dash Omega, "May the Audi Enz laugh upon you all the days of your life!"