Book 208

Peter Davison, Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton reprise their roles as The Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa, in a run of stories following on from 1983's adventure The Arc of Infinity. Reunited with the Doctor and Nyssa, Tegan joins them on a trip to Amsterdam's Rijkmuseum to see a new exhibition of the work of Rembrandt van Rijn, featuring his drawings of "Vessels of the Stars". The Doctor is astonished to discover that they are designs for spaceships that would actually work, and decides to pop back to the Dutch Golden Age for a quiet word with Rembrandt - but the world-weary artist is no mood to help. Meanwhile, strange forces are swirling in the canals, creatures from ancient myth, the watery, goblin-like Nix. What is their connection to the mysterious Countess Mach-Teldak - and to the events of Tegan's life during her year away from the Doctor? Forever kept busy, Peter Davison's most recently been seen on the London stage in the critically acclaimed The Vertical Hour, and in the musical Gypsy opposite Imelda Staunton.
The Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan team first met in 1981's Doctor Who adventure Logopolis, where Tegan and Nyssa were on hand to help the Doctor (Tom Baker) regenerate into his fifth incarnation (Peter Davison). Writer Jonathan Morris has been responsible for some hugely popular Doctor Who stories for Big Finish, most recently with 2015's We Are The Daleks...CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Tim Delap (Kyle), Richard James (Rembrandt Van Rijn), Elizabeth Morton (Teldak), Robbie Stevens (Polsbroek/Nix), Wayne Forester (Glauber).

Book 231

Doctor Who Main Range

by Jonathan Morris and Ian Potter

Published 31 October 2016
Vortex Ice / Cortex Fire is one of three main range 2017 Doctor Who titles consisting of two two-part stories, in a change from the usual four-parters. Vortex Ice by Jonathan Morris. In search of 'exotic particles', the Doctor and Flip arrive 700 feet underground, in a mine in Northern Mexico - only to run into a scientific expedition. Among their number, an exobiologist. They're all on the hunt for alien life! Deep underground, the team finally uncovers a cave of vast crystals - like ice, despite the heat. And inside the crystal: something frozen. Something trapped in time. If only it were something simple, like a monster. But it's far, far worse than that. Cortex Fire by Ian Potter. The Doctor brings Flip to the futuristic city of Festin, the best vantage point to witness a unique astronomical light show. In a city governed by the all-powerful network known as the Cortex, they're soon identified as outsiders - nihilists, perhaps, responsible for a wave of terror that's been sweeping the city...But the truth is different. The people of Festin are burning up. Spontaneously combusting. And no-one knows why.
Star Colin Baker played the Doctor on television between 1984 and 1986, and has found a new legion of fans through his work with Big Finish. Lisa Greenwood plays companion Phillipa "Flip" Jackson, and will be familiar to some from TV shows such as Call The Midwife, The Hours and Eastenders. CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Shobu Kapoor (Sai Chopra), Orlando Seale (Dylan Argent), Monty D'Inverno (Jannik Woolf), Rebecca Todd (Khoralla), Simon Kane (Halus), Eve Webster (Bav/ Cortex/ Enforcer).

Book 233

233 - Static

by Jonathan Morris

Published 31 January 2018
Big Finish have been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant and John Hurt. Colin Baker reprises his role as the Sixth Doctor, or "ol' Sixie" as he refers to the character he's played for nearly 100 Big Finish productions! Miranda Raison, playing a war time WREN travelling with the Doctor, is a regarded British actor from stage and screen, including a notable run in BBC1's Spooks. CAST: Colin Baker(The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Mrs Constance Clarke), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Scott Chambers (Andy Clover / Sergeant Webster), Pippa Nixon(Joanna Nash), Jo Woodcock(Susannah Nash), David Graham (Percy Till), Brian Protheroe
(Captain Hardwick), Chris Dale (Soldiers /Static).

Book 249

Once upon a time, a people of great artistry and great knowledge ruled the planet Mekalion: the Kamille. For a thousand years, they prospered peacefully. Then came disaster, when their sun set forever. Facing extinction, the Kamille made the Locus, a device to sustain their minds; and fashioned shape-changing machines, to act out their wishes on
the physical plane. Servants they called the Kamelion. Big Finish have been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant and John Hurt. Jon Culshaw comes on board to play Kamelion, a shape-changing android companion from the Fifth Doctor's era, the character's first appearance at Big Finish. CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor / Doctor-Kamelion aka Authority), Janet Fielding (Tegan
Jovanka / Tegan-Kamelion aka Harmony), Mark Strickson (Vislor Turlough / Turlough-Kamelion aka Liberty), Jon Culshaw (Kamelion / Chaos), Christopher Naylor (Alternate Kamelion / Chaos Soldier). Other parts played by members of the cast.