Book 1

Jargoon Pard

by Andre Norton

Published 1 July 1974
Companion volume to Crystal Gryphon. Kethan is given a belt with strange powers, whose clasp is a leopard head made from jargoon stone. Unable to take it off, Kethan becomes part man, part beast; a terrible confrontation between the powers of good and evil ensues.

Book 2

Zarsthor's Bane

by Andre Norton

Published 1 May 2012

Book 3

The Crystal Gryphon

by Andre Norton

Published 26 July 1973
Kerovan, whose cloven hoofs instead of feet set him apart from the human folk of the Dales, seeks to uncover the mystery surrounding his birth and the nature of his ultimate destiny.

Book 4

Gryphon in Glory

by Andre Norton

Published 12 April 1983
The Waste was stirring and strange forms of the Dark, long quiet, began to wake as Kerovan -- whose cloven hoofs marked his kinship with the Old Ones -- journeyed into the Waste on a secret mission, leaving behind the girl he loved. Joisan, however, rode after him, wearing about her neck Kerovan's gift, a small crystal globe encasing a miniature gryphon. While Kerovan strove for answers to the riddles of the Dark, Joesan worked to unlock the power of the crystal gryphon. But only together could they hope to find the ancient Sleeper and defeat the forces of evil.

Book 5

Horn Crown

by Andre Norton

Published 7 July 1981