Global Conflict

by Louise A Spilsbury

Published 15 February 2018
Help children explore topics like current affairs, compassion, empathy, and more with this sensitively written, beautifully illustrated book. Kids can find answers to questions like: "What is global conflict?" "How does it affect people in countries all over the world?" "How can I help?."

Poverty and Hunger

by Louise A Spilsbury

Published 17 August 2017
Poverty and Hunger discusses the questions "What is poverty and hunger? How do they affect people in countries all over the world?" It helps children begin to understand the way others struggle with these issues and learn about ways they can help. Where issues are not appropriate to describe in words, award-winning illustrator Hanane Kai uses a deft hand to create powerful illustrations that help children visualize the people impacted by poverty, hunger, war, racism, and more. All of the images are sensitively rendered and perfectly suited for younger children. These books are an excellent cross-curricular resource--use them to explore these important issues and tie them into discussions about food, wealth, compassion, empathy, and current affairs.

Racism and Intolerance

by Louise A Spilsbury

Published 15 February 2018
Help children explore topics like current affairs, compassion, empathy, and more with this sensitively written, beautifully illustrated book. Kids can find answers to questions like: "What does it mean to be a racist or intolerant?" and "How can I help?."