
by Robinson

Published 1 January 1996
Contents: Anselm and Gaunilo, 'The Ontological Argument' from Monologian and Proslogian; Aquinas, 'The Five Ways' from Summa Theologica; C.S. Lewis, 'The Argumant from Mortality' from Mere Christianity; Russell,'Critique of the Traditional Argumants' from Why I am not a Christian; Hume, 'Anthropomorphism' from Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion; Smart, 'The Existence of God'; Craig, 'Philosophical and Scientific Pointers to Creatio ex Nihilo'; Russell, 'The 'Scientific' Argument' from The Scientific Outlook; Augustine, 'God and Evil' from Confessions; C.S. Lewis, 'Devine Omnipotence' from The Problem of Pain; Hume, 'Evil and a Finite God' from Dialogues Concerning natural religion; Flew, Hare, Mitchell, 'Theology and Falsification' from New Essays in Philosophical Theology; Plantinga, 'Is Belief in God Properly Basic?' from Nous; Pascal, 'The Wager' from Pensees; James, 'The Reality of the Unseen' from The Varieties of Religious Experience and 'The Will to Believe' from Pragmatism and Other Essays; Otto, 'The Idea of the Holy' from The Idea of the Holy; Eliade, 'The Phenomenology of Religion' from The Myth of the Eternal Return; Nietzsche, 'Religion and Power' from The Genealogy of Morals, The Gay Science, and Beyond Good and Evil; Freud, 'The Psychological Origins of Religion' fromTotem and Taboo, The Future of an Illusion, and, Civilisation and its Discontents; Satre, 'Atheistic Existentialism' from Existentialism and Human Emotions; Camus, 'Absurd' from The Myth of Sisyphus; Berger, 'Signals of Transcendence' from A Rumour of Angels; Buber, 'I and Thou' from I and Thou.
Suggested Further Readings.