Dover Children's Activity Books
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Take your brain for a jog around this entertaining new collection of twisters. Many play with clues that are numbers, letters or words, but are tougher than they look. For example: * Find the single letter clue that tells you a monkey's name, where it lives, and its message to you. * Complete a crossword puzzle by filling blanks with words that mean the opposite of the clues. * Finish a joke by making up the punchline.
Can you really predict what your friends are thinking--the numbers or letters or words they come up with--and don't tell you? With this extraordinary book, you can do it! Many of these feats of mental magic will always come out right--some of them will do it almost all the time. You'll amaze everybody--and never tell how you did it. * Enter your age in a calculator. Multiply it by 12. Add the mysterious number 2856. Divide by 3. Divide by 4. Subtract your age. What number is now on display? * Toss three dice on the table. Call them A, B, and C. Write down the total showing on A and B. Turn B and C upside down and write the total showing. Turn upside C and A and write the total. Add the three sums. What's the result? Answers: the number on display is 238; the result is 21. The author lives in Hendersonville, NC. 96 pages, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4.
Ninety-three riddles, mazes, illusions, tricky questions, word and picture puzzles, and other challenges offer hours of entertainment for youngsters. Filled with rib-tickling drawings. Solutions.