Book 2

Charon's Landing

by Jack du Brul

Published 3 January 2006
Years ago, a secret Soviet plan was created to destroy the Alaskan oil pipeline. Now, those plans have been stolen by the brilliant and treacherous ex-KGB agent Ivan Kerikov. Joining forces with a powerful Arab oil minister, Charon's Landing is about to be unleashed at last. But they didn't count on the one man who possesses the determination and daring to stop them cold. They didn't count on Philip Mercer.

Book 8

The Lightning Stones

by Jack du Brul

Published 11 August 2015
Geologist and adventurer Philip Mercer is visiting an old friend who’s working far down in Minnesota’s Leister Deep Mine—but he arrives too late to save Abe Jacobs and his climate-research team from a shocking, brutal attack. Mercer vows to seek revenge as well as answers, hoping to pick up Jacobs’s search for a cache of the rare crystals known as lightning stones—rumored to have been aboard Amelia Earhart’s plane when it vanished in 1937.
From a harrowing close call in the Midwestern U.S. to a nailbiting showdown in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, to a remote island in the middle of the Pacific, Mercer must race to stay ahead of a team of highly-trained assassins—and to figure out if he’s chasing a rare scientific discovery, or merely a historical fairy tale.