Adventure fiction. Jack, Peggy, Nora and Mike are four children who, in their first adventure together, run away from strict guardians after their parents are thought to have been killed in a place crash. The children make way for a secret island on their huge expanse of property, and...Read more

The Secret of Moon Castle

by Enid Blyton

Published January 1966

In Enid Blyton's classic Secret Stories mystery always leads to adventure.

Peggy, Mike, Nora, Jack and Prince Paul are staying in the remote, mysterious Moon Castle. But weird things begin happening almost immediately - paintings come to life, books fly off shelves and instruments make noises when no one is...

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The Secret Mountain

by Enid Blyton

Published May 1969

The Secret of Killimooin

by Enid Blyton

Published October 1966

The Secret Island

by Enid Blyton

Published February 1965

In Enid Blyton's classic Secret Stories mystery always leads to adventure.

In Enid Blyton's very first full-length adventure novel, meet siblings Peggy, Mike and Nora. They live with their cruel uncle and aunt and long to escape, so when their friend Jack takes them to a secret, deserted island, they...

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