Book 1

Sorcery and Stardust

by Samantha Marshall

Published 31 May 2019

A sorceress. A warrior. A space deer.

The sorceress Arcana and her soulmerged deerken companion have spent fifty years traversing the galaxy, following the song that haunts Caelum's dreams in an attempt to solve the mystery of their creation. When they stumble upon an injured knight in a frozen ruin, Caelum insists on rescuing him - for why else would a knight be in such a mysterious place, if he wasn't somehow connected to the singing inside Caelum's mind?

When he wakes, the knight reveals himself as Fenris, stalwart Guardian of the Weaver and her Timeless Kingdom. Recognising Caelum as a deerken, the tall, brooding Guardian offers to unravel the mystery of Arcana and Caelum's past in return for their assistance in returning home, so that he might liberate his queen from the clutches of a madman.

Whilst Caelum throws himself wholeheartedly behind Fenris' seemingly noble cause, Arcana can't shake the feeling that their handsome guest is keeping secrets. Despite her efforts otherwise, her attraction to Fenris continues to grow... along with the suspicion that if she and the Guardian can't find common ground, his secrets might be the end of them all.

Book 2

A second chance. An old friend. A traitor.

With Sorcen's safety in Flare's capable hands, Arcana, Fenris and Caelum launch into space, hoping to lead Taelon far away from the ravaged planet. When Caelum points out that supplies are low, Arcana reluctantly agrees to seek sanctuary at the nefarious smuggler's port of Corrin's Run, where her old friend Burke holds court.

Fenris is desperate to regain Arcana's trust after the secrets he kept on Sorcen caused such chaos, but it's easier said than done - especially when Burke and her mate set out to seduce the intriguing Guardian for their own amusement. Determined to get off-station with minimal drama, Arcana turns a blind eye to Burke's machinations; or she would, if not for the ominous spy that keeps popping up, the dead warg in a storage locker, and the oddly phrased statements Burke keeps throwing her way.

Unravelling the mystery of Corrin's Run means delaying Fenris' return to the Timeless Kingdom, but Arcana soon realises that walking away might cost an old friend her life. When the choice is taken out of their hands, Fenris and Arcana will need to confront not only their own personal demons but the deep passion which threatens to bloom between them - or risk the complete and utter destruction of everything they hold dear.

Book 3

A slave. A fire sorcerer. A grumpy cyborg.

When an otherwise perfectly good night for drowning his sorrows is ruined by the fiery destruction of his living room, Flare Veritax is forced to accept not only sobriety, but the spine chilling realisation that his sister Arcana is in mortal danger. Desperate and a little singed, Flare bargains his way aboard Galactic Station as Sorcen’s representative to the mighty Galactic Alliance, the last true bastion of safety in the war against the warg. While he has no interest in politics itself, the Alliance has both information and influence which, if Flare can access it, may be the key to locating his sister.

After surrendering his freedom to save the lives of his loved ones, Fenris languishes in chains on the primitive desert world of Hiraptha. All the while, Arcana’s spirit floats in the custody of the Weaver, her continued survival dependant entirely on the other female’s ability to keep her hidden from the ever-seeking Taelon.

Before Flare can harness the strength of the Alliance, he must prove Sorcen’s loyalty by locating a fleet of missing starships. Thrown into partnership with a mysterious rogue and dogged by a murderous spy, he’ll need every ounce of wit and magic he possesses if he’s to successfully navigate the murky waters of intergalactic politics.

Waking to the gut-wrenching news that Fenris is a slave, Arcana vows to do everything within her power to set him free. With her magic no more than a whisper in her veins and Caelum her only ally, locating the Guardian who holds her heart could prove more dangerous than it first appears – particularly when the Empress of Hiraptha wants Fenris for herself.