Animal Classification

by Angela Royston

Published 16 January 2013
This fascinating series takes a very simple look at animal classifications, with each book focusing on a different group of animal. The series examines what each type of animal does, how they behave, and how these characteristics are different from other groups of animals. Beautifully illustrated with colourful photographs, the series shows many examples of different types of animals in their natural environment.

Life Cycles

by Angela Royston

Published 1 January 2013
Life Cycles introduces how animals' lives can be very different, from 70-year-old elephants to adult mayflies that only live a few hours. It also looks at similarities too, such as how comparing a cuckoo and a cheetah illustrates how many animal parts are similar. Readers will gain a basic understanding of animal life cycles as they read about examples from all over the world.

Animal Classifications

by Angela Royston

Published 1 January 2013