Henry Aaron's Dream

by Matt Tavares

Published 10 February 2015

Applaud Matt Tavares’s latest feat — a gripping tale of real-life daredevilry perfectly balanced by stunning illustrations.

“Monsieur Blondin is to cross Niagara Falls this afternoon, or perish in the attempt.” — Troy Daily Times, June 30, 1859

When the Great Blondin announced that he was going to walk from America to Canada across the Niagara River on a rope that was more than 1,100 feet long and just 3 inches wide, hanging 160 feet above the raging river, people came from everywhere. Some came to watch him cross. Some came to watch him fall. Some thought he wouldn’t show up at all. But he did show up. And he did walk across the river. And then he did something else amazing. He crossed the river on that tightrope again and again, adding another death-defying flourish each time. Matt Tavares’s gorgeous, riveting account of the daredevil of Niagara Falls is sure to hold readers in its grip, just as Blondin's feats enthralled those spectators on the cliffs more than one hundred and fifty years ago.

“This exceptionally engaging chronicle recounts Ruth’s amazing rags-to-riches story. . . . Equally important, the art captures Ruth’s irrepressible personality and joy in playing baseball.” — Booklist (starred review)

Before he becomes known as the Babe, George Herman Ruth is just a boy who lives in Baltimore and has a knack for getting into trouble. But when he turns seven, his father takes him to Saint Mary’s Industrial School for Boys, and his life is changed. Here, under the watchful eye of Brother Matthias, George evolves as an athlete and a man. With vivid illustrations and clear affection for his subject, Matt Tavares sheds light on an icon who learned early that life is what you make of it — and sends home a message about honoring the place you come from. Back matter includes an author’s note, Babe Ruth’s career statistics, and a bibliography.

Becoming Babe Ruth

by Matt Tavares

Published 9 February 2016