Book 4

Chewoo in Nut Sweet Nut

by Sylvia M. Medina

Published 14 November 2017

Book 6

Shooga to the Rescue

by Sylvia M. Medina

Published 14 November 2017
Shooga is a hungry sugar glider who cant find any nectar to drink! She rushes to see if Tiago, a Green Kid, can help. But bad guy Coops has captured all of the bees and is making them steal all of the nectar. Can Shooga and Tiago rescue the honey bees and save the nectar for everyone? A Magic Spring enables the Green Kids - Victor, Maya, and Tiago to talk with animals about their habitat problems. As the kids travel the world their friends also become Green Kids and their adventures help animals to improve our world. You can join the free Green Kids Club at YooHoo and Friends are created based on rare or endangered animals around the world to deliver the green environmental message in line with global trends on conservation of the natural world and our surrounding habitats. You can see more YooHoo and Friends at (c) Aurora World Corp.,

Book 7

Tenne Wants a Mudbath

by Sylvia M. Medina

Published 14 November 2017
Tinee is a baby African elephant. Tinee has decided to wander away from his mother to take a mudbath. But Oops and Coops have seen Tinee and they plan to capture him to take his ivory tusks. Can Tumelo, Tinees oxpecker, and Maya, a Green Kid, rescue Tinee and save the day? A Magic Spring enables the Green Kids - Victor, Maya, and Tiago to talk with animals about their habitat problems. As the kids travel the world their friends also become Green Kids and their adventures help animals to improve our world. You can join the free Green Kids Club at YooHoo and Friends are created based on rare or endangered animals around the world to deliver the green environmental message in line with global trends on conservation of the natural world and our surrounding habitats. You can see more YooHoo and Friends at (c) Aurora World Corp.,