Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) 2007 is Microsoft’s latest version of Live Communications Server 2005. The product provides management for all synchronous communications that takes place in real time. This includes instant messaging (IM), Voice over IP (VoIP), and audio conferencing and videoconferencing. It will work with your company’s existing telecommunications systems without major hardware upgrades. This means your business can deploy advanced VoIP and conferencing without tearing out its preexisting legacy telephone network.
How to Cheat at Administering Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 provides the busy system administrator with any easy-to-access reference that provides step-by-step instructions on how to install, configure, manage and troubleshoot Communicator across the network. It is the perfect tool for those who simply need to complete a task without reading through lots of theory and principles.

Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) is a network monitoring tool that provides enterprise-class event and performance management for Windows Server System technologies. MOM's event and performance management tools discover problems before system administrators would ever find them, thereby enabling administrators to lower their costs of operations and simplify management of their Windows Server System infrastructure. MOM can notify system administrators of overloaded processors, depleted memory, or failed network connections affecting their Windows servers long before these problems bother users.

Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 delivers open and scalable enterprise-class operational management by providing comprehensive event management, proactive monitoring and alerting, reporting and trend analysis, and system and application specific knowledge and tasks to improve the manageability of Windows Server System environments, including Windows, Exchange, SQL, IIS, Active Directory etc.