Book 49

Christian Writers on Judaism

by George Moore

Published 31 October 2007
Geroge Foot Moore's Christian Writers on Judaism is a fundamental work which majestically traverses nineteen centuries of Christian literature regarding the Jews. This work is indispensable to the student of Jewish-Christian dialogue.

Book 60

A philological study of the usage of Memra, Shekinah, and Metatron in Tragumic and Cabbalistic literature that combats nineteenth century Christian attempts to read these as references to the Second or Third Persons of the Trinity.

Book 65


by George Moore

Published 30 January 2008
This work is an excellent, concise history of the development of the Zoroastrian religion. Special attention is given to the historical development of the religion from monotheism to a dualistic system, with particular emphasis on ethical and eschatological teachings.