Packed with simple methods, clear recipes, and straightforward guidelines, The Art of Plant-Based Cheesemaking arms the reader with a clear understanding of the processes for creating authentic cultured, non-dairy, plant-based cheese using traditional (dairy) cheesemaking methods. It gives permission and calls on the reader to experiment, adapt, and have fun with easy and advanced plant-based cheese recipes.

Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, Vegan Category Winner

Making real, full-flavored and richly textured cheese without the use of dairy has long remained a mystery - until now! With step-by-step guidance from acknowledged master plant-based cheesemaker Karen McAthy, anyone can learn to craft authentic, delicious vegan cheese.

Drawing deep from the well of traditional cheesemaking but extending and developing the methods into plant-based ingredients, this new edition of the award-winning The Art of Plant-based Cheesemaking is a lavishly illustrated, practical guide packed with step-by-step recipes and straightforward processes from beginner to advanced. Coverage includes:

  • Equipment, sanitation, food safety
  • Non-cultured beginner recipes through to advanced cultured cheeses
  • How to grow your own plant-based cultures, including rejuvelac, sprouting, fermentation, kefir, and probiotic capsules
  • Using emulsifiers, starches, and binders
  • Flavors, aging, rind curing, and working with molds
  • Troubleshooting tips and tricks
  • Updated step-by-step guidance and a detailed breakdown of the culturing process.

The Art of Plant-based Cheesemaking, 2nd edition makes incredible homemade vegan cheese accessible for beginners, aspiring DIY non-dairy cheesemakers, and serious foodies alike. The texture, the sharpness, the taste; you will be proud to serve up your creations.