Discover how the mysteries of ancient Egypt can be used to improve your life today, when you get "The Truth About Egyptian Magick" by Gerald and Betty Schueler.
Even though there were no digital computers or cell phones in the Middle East of thousands of years ago, doesn't mean the Egyptians were backward. Indeed, scientific and archeological evidence has revealed that some societal advancements made then rival or exceed those of our modern technological age.
Recently it has been discovered that at the base of the ancient Egyptian's complex, advanced civilization lay a sophisticated religion that is now commonly called Egyptian Magick. In "The Truth About Egyptian Magick," you'll find out the secrets of their system:
-The cosmic planes of Egyptian Magick
-The seven bodies of humans
-Travelling in the Body of Light
-Magickal rituals
-Amulets and talismans
Today, the Western Mystery Tradition--which is the source of most western systems of magick--can be traced directly back to the systems of ancient Egypt. It is one of the basic sources for the Golden Dawn system of magick. Many Pagan traditions are going back to Egypt for their sources.
As we increasingly learn about the culture of 5,000 years ago, we find they have more and more of value for us today. If you are ready to learn the spiritual and magickal system that has influenced spirituality for five millennia, get "The Truth About Egyptian Magick.