First published in 1965, this collection of three essays by influential German philosopher Karl Jaspers deals with the response of the philosophical mind to the world of reality, with the search for truth. In Leonardo, this search is shown in the thinking and the works of a supreme artist whose means of apperception are the senses.

The essay on Max Weber commemorates a man Jaspers knew personally and ardently admired.

The main essay in the collection is an exhaustive, three part study of Descartes: analysing Descartes' new philosophical operation, Descartes' Method, and the position of his philosophy within the wider historical context of philosophical thought.

First published in English in 1953, this important book from eminent philosopher Karl Jaspers deals with the philsophy of thehistory of mankind.More specifically, its avowed aim isto assist in heightening our awareness of the present by placing it within the framework of the long obscurity of prehistory and the boundless realm of possibilities which lie within the undecided future.This analysis is split into 3 parts:

World history
The present and the future
The meaning of history

First published in English in 1933, this detailed philosophical examination of the contemporary state and nature of mankind is a seminal work by influential German philosopher Karl Jaspers. Elucidating his theories on a variety of topics pertaining to contemporary and future human existence, Man in the Modern Age is an ambitious and wide-ranging work, which meditates upon such diverse subjects as the tension between mass-order and individual human life, our present conception of human life and the potential for mankind’s future existence. Written shortly before the accession to power of Hitler and National Socialism, this is not only an important philosophical work, but also an insightful and intriguing historical document.