Curie and Radioactivity

by Paul Strathern

Published 17 August 1999
At a moment of great discovery, one Big Idea can change the world...Marie Curie had one of the finest scientific minds of the twentieth century, overturning established ideas in both physics and chemistry. She had an equally profound effect in the social arena, challenging the commonly held belief that women were intellectually inferior to men. Her work influenced current cancer research and her exploration of radioactivity was groundbreaking. "Curie & Radioactivity" tells the captivating story of Curie's early life in which she worked as a governess to support her sister during medical school, through to her later life, as the first person ever honoured with Nobel Prizes in two different sciences. Her untimely death from cancer, due to overexposure to radium, marked the end of an exceptional career of a woman who was ahead of her time and never far from controversy. "The Big Idea: Curie & Radioactivity" is accessible and absorbing, placing Curie's remarkable life in the context of the times and rendering the essence of her unprecedented discoveries in a form comprehensible even to non-scientists.
"The Big Idea" series is a fascinating look at the greatest advances in our scientific history, and at the men and women who made these fundamental breakthroughs.

Crick, Watson And DNA

by Paul Strathern

Published 17 August 1999
At a moment of great discovery, one Big Idea can change the world...

The discovery by Francis Crick and James Watson of DNA- the very building blocks of life - has astounding implications for mankind's future.Not only in the scientific possibilities of cloning, life expectancy and medical research, but also in our everyday lives - such as forensics and the genetic engineering of food.But with this discovery have come important ethical questions...

Crick, Watson & DNA is an engaging and accessible examination of these two scientists' lives, radical work and legacy.Theirs was a frantic race against other scientists to understand the structure of DNA.Their Big Idea extends even beyond their monumental achievement to the moral implications that have arisen from it.

The Big Idea series is a fascinating look at the greatest advances in our scientific history, and at the men and women who made these fundamental breakthroughs.