Principles of Shamanism

by Leo Rutherford

Published 17 February 1997
In response to the growing interest in earth-oriented sprituality comes this clear, thorough guide to Shamanism traditions. Exploring the core elements of Shamanism--rituals of drummming and dance, soul retrieval, altered states of consciousness--from indigenous cultures around the world, this book provides an entry point for readers who are hungering for a stronger connection to the sacred.


by Leo Rutherford

Published 21 June 1999

Audio adaptation of the bestselling Principles title. This 90-minute tape introduces you to the fascinating world of the shamanic tradition and includes practical exercises and rituals.

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on this planet, with roots tracing back more than 50,000 years. Now there is a resurgence of interest in the ways of the `Wise Ones', which have as much relevance today as they did in ancient times.

This introductory tape explains:
* how we `dream', and can change our reality
* the magic of trance-dancing
* shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
* creating sacred space and ceremony, and using sacred plants
* the Medicine Wheel Teachings of the Mayans